The Trust has a complaints policy, which is available on the Trust website HERE.
All schools have a tailored version of the complaints policy on their own website. Please refer to each school website for a copy.
The complaints procedure explains the process for how the Trust manage complaints including flowcharts explaining the process, and details of the various stages of a complaint.
Where possible, please complete and send Annex F – Complaints form which is located at the end of the policy to record your concerns/complaint.
Contact details for all schools can be found HERE.
Who do I report concerns/complaints to?
If your concern/complaint is regarding a school within the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust, please phone or e-mail the school directly.
If your concern/complaint is regarding a Headteacher please address your complaint to the Chair of Governors for the school. For the Chair of Governors contact details, please phone/e-mail the school.
If your concern/complaint is about the Trust, or about the central team or anything else, please fill out this form:
Safeguarding complaints
For complaints around safeguarding issues, please contact Ofsted or the relevant local authority - for our schools Somerset, North Somerset or Bath and North East Somerset