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Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust

Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust Inclusion and SEND Leadership Offer

SEND Hub Structure

Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust is partnered with three Local Authorities. To ensure we have strong strategic partnerships with our Local Authority 0-25 SEND teams, our SEND Hubs are linked to Local Authorities.

Lead Headteachers and Lead SENCOs have completed the NASEN Whole School SEND Reviewer training

Trust-wide Inclusion Leads

Strategic Inclusion Lead, Central Team: Faye Bertham

Headteacher: Nicki Smith, Christ Church

Somerset, 20 schools | North Somerset, 7 schools | B&NES, 12 schools

For schools in each of our local authority areas, we have a Lead Headteacher, two 

Lead SENCOs and an LA SEND 0-25 Team Link Partner.


•Lead Headteacher: Adam Beauford - Holy Trinity

•Lead SENCO: Claire West - Holy Trinity

•Lead SENCO: Fiona O'Connor - St James


North Somerset

•Lead Headteacher: Sandy Nickells - Trinity

•Lead SENCO: Emma Carter-Western - Trinity

•Lead SENCO: Rebecca Edmonds - St John the Evangelist



•Lead Head of School: Sophie Hunt - St Saviour's Infants

•Lead SENCO: Sara Hibbs - St Saviour's

•Lead SENCO: Suzi Presland - St Stephen's



 Full SEND Policy here

send policy v2.pdf

identification children with send v4.pdf




Click to download poster


SEND Inclusion Pathway



Our Locations
